Simple Help Desk Software Features To Look For

So here you are. You’ve got a growing business. You’ve got a more demanding customer base. Managing your customer support using email and spreadsheets just isn’t working anymore. Whether it’s real estate, online retail, digital marketing, or something else, you need software that streamlines rather than complicates. Just like everything here at DoneDone, we like to keep it simple. That’s been exemplified in the way we handle customer support using DoneDone Mailboxes.Here are the simple help desk software features we use in DoneDone Mailboxes to keep your team organized and make your customers happy:

Conversation Assignments

An untended conversation is an unhappy customer waiting to happen. It’s important to manage who is responsible for bringing a customer inquiry to resolution. That’s why DoneDone Conversations can be assigned to a specific team member.

Automatically assign Conversations to a team lead as they come in or train your team to assign Conversations to themselves as they go through a queue of new tickets. It’s the best way to quickly address each customer and keeps your team accountable and informed.

customer support guide

Track the Status of your Conversation

Has this conversation been resolved? Are you waiting for a reply from the customer? Does it require further troubleshooting from your production team? Know where a customer conversation stands at any point in time using DoneDone’s built-in Customer Help Desk workflow or create one of your own. This way, you don’t have to reread the entire thread between your customer and your support team each time. It's a more efficient way to handle customer support.

Prioritize Help Desk Tickets

All conversations with your customers are important but not all should be treated with the same level of urgency. An issue around security and privacy, for example, might be more urgent than a request for a copy of an old invoice. DoneDone lets your team prioritize conversations so that they’re tackled in the right order.

Reuse Common Replies

As your business grows, you’ll naturally have common recurring questions from your customers. Instead of redrafting common replies, save these replies in DoneDone for reuse in the future. It’s a great way to expedite responses to your customers and ensure that your team is replying in a consistent manner to common customer issues.

Measure Your Team’s Performance

How long does it take for your team to reply to your customers? How long before that conversation is resolved? DoneDone Reports provides answers to these questions so you can not only measure team performance but gauge how happy your customers are. These answers may also help you determine whether you need to hire additional support or introduce a team lead to your support group.

Successfully addressing these five points with simple help desk software features is crucial to your support team’s success. Sign up for a free trial of DoneDone today to see how it can help your support team get work done.

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