The Best Task Manager Tools to Enhance Your Productivity in 2023

Ready to level up your productivity game in 2023? Task manager tools are your secret weapon to staying organized and efficient. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best task manager tools available for small businesses, with a focus on DoneDone – the bee’s knees of task management software. So buckle up and prepare to supercharge your business operations!

But why are task manager tools so crucial for small businesses? The answer lies in their ability to streamline workflow, enhance collaboration, and boost overall productivity. Read on to discover the key features to look for in task manager tools and find out why DoneDone is the ultimate choice for small businesses.

Key Takeaways

  • Task management tools are essential for small businesses to increase efficiency, collaboration & productivity.
  • Evaluate business needs and sample multiple tools to find the best fit with features, simplicity & pricing in mind.
  • DoneDone is the perfect choice for a user-friendly interface, customizable task lists & simple workflow to get your team involved!

The Importance of Task Management Tools for Small Businesse

Think of task management tools as your digital personal assistant, keeping everything neat and tidy, making collaboration a breeze, and giving productivity a major boost. The best task management software can make a significant difference in your business efficiency. With the ability to assign tasks to team members or stake holders, manage task dependencies, and enhance communication, task management systems like DoneDone are indispensable for small businesses.

A team collaborating at a desk with laptops and notebooks.

And let’s not forget the importance of reporting in task management. It’s super important for project managers, as it helps track time tracking, budget, expenses, performance, resource allocation, and more – all the good stuff.

Notifications also play a crucial role, keeping everyone in the know and ensuring deadlines and time-sensitive tasks are met.

Therefore, any small business aiming for growth cannot do without task management tools.

Streamlining Workflow

When it comes to streamlining workflows for small businesses, task management tools are unrivaled. They offer several benefits, including:

  • Automating tedious activities
  • Helping manage time better
  • Fostering collaboration
  • Boosting efficiency
  • Providing insight into progress

By setting due dates, empowering team members, and maximizing time utilization, task management tools can revolutionize business efficiency.

Furthermore, task management tools provide efficient methods, including:

  • Task tracking
  • Deadline setting
  • Report generation
  • Task assignment
  • Prioritization

All achievable with just a few clicks. In other words, they help businesses efficiently allocate resources, prioritize tasks, and monitor progress, ensuring that your projects run smoothly.

Enhancing Collaboration

Task management tools serve as a comprehensive solution for team communication, file sharing, and task assignment, ensuring everyone is informed and aware of their responsibilities. By providing a centralized platform for team communication, file sharing, and task assignment, task management tools ensure seamless collaboration between team members.

Some features in task management tools that can help us collaborate like a boss include:

  • Communication
  • Task assignment and tracking
  • File sharing and document collaboration
  • Notifications and reminders
  • Project visualization and reporting

So, with the right collaborative task management tool, your team can work together like a well-oiled machine, enhancing collaboration and boosting productivity.

Don't forget, collaboration doesn't happen when your tools are too complex. That's why it's important to prioritize simplicity and ease of use when choose online task management software.

Boosting Productivity

Task management tools aid in organizing and prioritizing tasks, thereby helping businesses manage their projects effectively and ensuring tasks are completed on time. When selecting a task management tool, consider the following factors:

  • Usability
  • Personalization
  • Team collaboration capabilities
  • Integration options

These factors will help you choose a tool that best suits your needs.

So, when selecting the perfect task management tool for your small business, evaluate your business requirements, sample several tools, and think about team adoption. That way, you’ll be sure to pick a tool that not only meets your needs but also boosts productivity and efficiency.

Key Features to Look for in a Task Management Tool

Two people working with a task management app.

Selecting a task management tool requires consideration of vital features such as:

A user-friendly task management tool ensures quick adoption and minimal training for team members. On the other hand, customization and flexibility allow businesses to tailor the tool to their specific needs and workflows. Ideally, you'll find the perfect balance between flexibility and simplicity in the same tool.

Integration capabilities enable businesses to connect their task management tool with other essential software, streamlining processes and reducing manual work. By focusing on these key features, you’ll be able to find a task management tool that not only meets your business needs but also enhances productivity and efficiency.

Ease of Use

User-friendly task management tools stand out in assisting individuals and teams to organize, track, and complete tasks effortlessly. With a user-friendly interface, team members can quickly adapt to the new task management system, ensuring quick adoption and minimal disruption to your business.

Visual tools like Kanban boards and Gantt charts can also make managing tasks a breeze. By providing a clear overview of tasks and their progress, these visual tools enable users to easily prioritize tasks, assign work, and track progress. So, when choosing a visual task management tool, make sure it’s easy to use and offers a user-friendly interface that your team will love.

Customization and Flexibility

Customization and flexibility allow businesses to have control over their tools, tailoring them to meet their specific needs. By offering:

Tools like DoneDone allow businesses to tailor their task management to their specific needs and priorities, including the handling of common workflows.

Being able to design your own workflows, set up either flexible or strict rules for moving work along, and simple access rights and permissions for team members are also essential aspects of customization and flexibility.

So, when selecting a task management tool, keep an eye out for customization options that will help you tailor the system to your unique business requirements.

Include Your Entire Team, Even Support

Incorporating the whole team, including support staff, is key to fostering smooth collaboration and communication across all departments. Task management tools like DoneDone provide:

  • A shared inbox in addition to task tracking
  • Efficient management and monitoring of customer inquiries
  • Collaboration with other teams
  • Seamless integration of internal tasks and support tickets

These tools help support teams to work together more efficiently and effectively with their production counterparts.

By enabling your entire team to use the same tool for customer communication and task management, you’ll not only improve efficiency and collaboration within your team but also ensure that everyone is on the same page. So, when choosing a task management tool, make sure it has the ability to include your whole team, even support staff.

Integration Capabilities

Integration capabilities act as a bridge between your task management tool and other crucial software, promoting smoother workflows and freeing up time for higher priority tasks. By connecting and integrating different systems and applications within an organization, integration allows for a smooth flow of data and information between different systems, eliminating tedious manual tasks and reducing the chances of errors.

Some task management tools offer a plethora of integrations, such as:

  • Slack
  • GitHub
  • Zapier
  • Google Drive & Single Sign-On
  • and many more

So, when choosing a task management tool, be sure to consider its integration capabilities and how they can streamline your business processes.

Why DoneDone is the Best Task Management Tool for Small Business

DoneDone is the best task management tool for small businesses because it offers:

  • A simple workflow and shared inbox
  • Easy setup and onboarding
  • Customizable task lists
  • Focus on essential features, avoiding complex and confusing features
A screenshot of DoneDone kanban board.

With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, DoneDone makes it a snap to use for businesses and teams. So, if you’re looking for a task management tool that’s tailor-made for small businesses, DoneDone is your top choice.

Its simple workflow and shared inbox allow for seamless collaboration between support and back-office teams. With easy setup and minimal onboarding, DoneDone ensures quick adoption and minimal disruption to your business. It's so simple, even your client stakeholders will use it!

Customizable task lists enable businesses to tailor their task management to their specific needs and priorities. So, if you want a task management tool that focuses on providing only the features that small businesses truly need, DoneDone is the way to go.

Simple Workflow and Shared Inbox

DoneDone’s simple workflow is a breeze – built-in workflows, customizable status options, and easy-peasy workflow rules. Its workflow and shared inbox make it a cinch to manage client and customer inquiries, work together with other teams, and track workflows. This way, the support squad can effortlessly manage and monitor customer inquiries and work together with other teams to resolve customer issues.

By including your support team's input, you'll be able to leverage their customer insights to improve your product and service.

With DoneDone, the entire support team can use the same device for communication and task management, heightening efficiency and collaboration within the team. So, if you’re looking for a task management tool that offers a simple workflow and shared inbox for seamless collaboration between support and internal teams, DoneDone is your top choice.

Easy Setup and Onboarding

Setting up DoneDone is a breeze! It’ll only take a few minutes and you won’t even need to break out the toolbox. As a web-based task management tool, DoneDone doesn’t require any installation – just access it right in your browser or mobile device and you’re good to go.

Adapting to DoneDone’s interface is a breeze for teams and stakeholders. The interface is crafted to make getting work done a cinch and intuitive. Teams can quickly create tasks, assign them to team members, and keep tabs on the status of customer requests. The interface also helps strengthen communication and collaboration between teams. All in all, DoneDone’s interface is simple to use and encourages team collaboration.

Customizable Task Lists

DoneDone offers customizable task lists that allow businesses to tailor their task management to their specific needs and priorities. With custom filters, tags, task description templates, and more, DoneDone enables businesses to create a task lists or a kanban board that suits their exact business needs and workflows.

So, if you’re looking for a task management tool that offers customizable task lists and a kanban board to tailor your task management to your specific needs and priorities, DoneDone is the way to go.

Only the Features You Really Need

DoneDone focuses on providing only the features that small businesses truly need, avoiding unnecessary complexity and clutter. With fewer bells and whistles, users can quickly get up to speed and focus on the important stuff, leading to a more efficient and productive work environment.

The sleek and straightforward design of DoneDone’s features makes it a breeze to use. By eliminating unnecessary features, DoneDone offers a lightweight task management experience that allows users to assign tasks, track progress, and mark them as complete without any extra fuss.

So, if you want a task management tool that focuses on providing only the features you really need, DoneDone is made for you.

Top Task Manager Tools for Small Businesses

While DoneDone is our top pick for small businesses, it’s worth mentioning other task management tools, such as Trello, Asana, and ClickUp. Each of these tools offers its own unique set of features and benefits, so it’s essential to test multiple tools to find the best fit for your business.

However, we believe DoneDone stands out as the best choice for small businesses due to its simplicity, ease of use, and focus on essential features. By providing a straightforward and user-friendly interface, DoneDone ensures that teams can quickly adapt to the new system, ensuring quick adoption and minimal disruption to your business.


Trello offers a visual approach to task management with customizable Kanban boards, making it easy to stay organized and manage tasks. Its simple drag-and-drop interface allows users to quickly change a task’s status by moving it to a new column. However, Trello may lack some advanced features that other task management tools offer, making it more suitable for smaller teams with less complex projects.

While Trello’s visual approach to task management is appealing, it may not be the best fit for larger organizations or businesses with more complex workflows. In those cases, a more comprehensive task management tool, such as DoneDone, might be a better choice.

A screenshot of Trello.


Asana provides a comprehensive task management solution with a wide range of features and capabilities. Some of its key features include:

  • Timeline view for planning and managing tasks
  • Progress tracking to ensure timely completion of projects
  • Collaboration tools for team communication and coordination
  • Integration with other tools and platforms

However, Asana’s extensive feature set may be overwhelming for smaller teams or businesses with simpler workflows.

While Asana is a powerful task management tool, it may not be the best choice for businesses that require a more straightforward and easy-to-use solution. In those cases, a tool like DoneDone, with its focus on essential features and simplicity, may be a better fit.


ClickUp is an all-in-one task management tool that boasts advanced features, making it suitable for larger organizations with more complex workflows. It offers:

  • Task and project management
  • Complete customization
  • Team collaboration
  • Multiple views
  • Customization capabilities
  • Real-time communication
  • Dashboards
  • Hierarchy for scalable structure
  • And more

However, for smaller businesses or teams that don’t require such advanced features, ClickUp may be overkill. Instead, a tool like DoneDone, with its simplicity and focus on essential features, may be a better choice for small businesses.

Why DoneDone is Best for Small Businesses

DoneDone stands out as the best choice for small businesses due to its simplicity, ease of use, and focus on essential features. Its user-friendly interface, customizable task lists, and simple workflow and shared inbox make it the perfect task management tool for small businesses looking to boost productivity and efficiency.

So, if you’re searching for the best task management tool for your small business, look no further than DoneDone. With its focus on providing only the features that small businesses truly need, it’s the ultimate solution for streamlining workflows, enhancing collaboration, and boosting overall productivity.

Tips for Choosing the Right Task Management Tool for Your Small Business

Choosing the ideal task management tool for your small business involves evaluating your business needs, testing various tools, and factoring in team adoption to guarantee the best fit for your organization.

So, take the time to evaluate your business requirements, sample several tools, and think about team acceptance. Armed with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect task management tool for your small business and unlocking the full potential of your team.

Assess Your Business Needs

When evaluating your business needs for a task management tool, consider factors such as team size, task complexity, and budget. Understanding the nature of tasks and the size of your team will help you determine the features and functionalities needed to support and streamline your work processes.

By assessing your business needs and understanding your workflow, you can pinpoint any pain points or inefficiencies in your current task management process. This will enable you to choose a tool that addresses these issues and boosts productivity.

Test Multiple Tools

Testing multiple tools allows you to:

  • Compare features, usability, and pricing
  • Find the best fit for your business
  • Spot any limitations or drawbacks of each tool
  • Explore different workflows
  • Determine which one works best for you

By trying out different task management tools, including free task management software, you can find the most suitable option for your needs.

Keep in mind that aspects such as:

  • user interface
  • functionality
  • integration
  • mobile accessibility
  • customization
  • collaboration
  • pricing
  • customer support

are all critical when testing various tools. This will ensure that you make an informed decision and choose the right task management tool for your small business.

Consider Team Adoption

Factoring in team adoption is a critical aspect when selecting a task management tool. When team members are involved in the selection process and get to put their two cents in for how the new system will work, it generates enthusiasm and commitment to the tool.

Task management tools, which can also be considered as a task management platform or a project management tool, with built-in communication features let team members:

  • Comment and collaborate efficiently
  • Share files and documents
  • Assign tasks and deadlines
  • Track progress and updates

This makes workflow smoother and productivity higher.

If a tool is excessively complex and fails to win acceptance from all your teams, it won't achieve success. So, when selecting a task management tool, make sure to consider team adoption as a key factor in ensuring a successful implementation and improved productivity.


In conclusion, task management tools are essential for small businesses looking to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and boost productivity. By assessing your business needs, testing multiple tools, and considering team adoption, you can choose the right task management tool for your organization.

Among the top task manager tools for small businesses, DoneDone stands out as the best choice due to its simplicity, ease of use, and focus on essential features. So, if you’re ready to supercharge your business operations in 2023, give DoneDone a try and experience the difference a great task management tool can make.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose my task management tool?

Choosing a task management tool should involve identifying your goals and challenges, creating a list of options, testing each app yourself and with your team, getting feedback, calculating costs, and getting stakeholder buy-in. Make sure the features match your project needs and that progress is tracked in real time.

What is a task manager application?

A task manager application is a great way to get organized and stay on top of projects, no matter if you're an individual, a team, or an organization. It can be used in the form of a spreadsheet or online project management applications to make managing tasks easier and more efficient.

What are some top task management tools for small businesses?

Tired of juggling tasks? Take the load off with Trello, Asana, ClickUp, or DoneDone - top task management tools for small businesses.

Why is ease of use important in a task management tool?

Having an easy-to-use task management tool ensures a smooth onboarding process for team members, resulting in less time spent on training and more time devoted to productivity.

How can customizable task lists benefit my business?

Customizable task lists make it easy to optimize task management for your business' unique needs and goals, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

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