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Using DoneDone in WebEx

Note: Parts of this feature are only accessible to Account Admins and Owners only.
Note: This feature is only accessible to Account Owners only.

You've been in this meeting for hours and as soon as it's over, you realize that you've forgotten to write down the one action item that everyone agreed on.

This has happened to all of us at some point. We're in the middle of a meeting and we suddenly remember an important task that we need to take care of. We try to write it down, but by the time we get back to our desks, we've already forgotten what it was.

With DoneDone for WebEx, you'll never have to worry about forgetting an action item again. Logging action items is easy and fast - just open up DoneDone from your WebEx meeting and start typing. You can even add comments and due dates so you'll always know what's next on your list.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Open your WebEx account or create a WebEx account if you don't have one.
  2. Start a Webex meeting or create a Webex space.
  3. Click the +Apps section and choose DoneDone.
  4. Login into your DoneDone account or signup if you don't have an account.
  5. Navigate your DoneDone account and press "Open together" or "Add to tab" to share the URL with other participants.

That's it! Your now ready to log action items for your team - assigned, prioritized and ready to get done!

Michael Sanders
Last updated: 
March 28, 2022