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DoneDone and GDPR

Note: Parts of this feature are only accessible to Account Admins and Owners only.
Note: This feature is only accessible to Account Owners only.

We know that the GDPR can be a long read. That's why we're answering some of the most common questions about DoneDone and the GDPR in simple, plain language. If you want to review in more detail, read about our commitments to EU customers and the security measures we have in place in our Terms of Use.

We take your privacy very seriously. Here are some of the ways how.

Do you have a data protection officer?

Yes, we do! Our Chief Technical Officer and co-founder, Ka Wai Cheung, serves as DoneDone's DPO. Any data protection questions can be sent to

How quickly will DoneDone inform us if there is a suspected or actual data breach that could have an impact on our personal data?

If there ever were to be a breach of personal data at DoneDone, we will inform impacted parties within 24 hours of detecting the breach.

Does DoneDone store any of our personal data outside the EU or pass it to a third party that is based outside of the EU?

We work with a limited number of partners to help provide services for DoneDone. We disclose the partners we work with and the nature of data that is exchanged in our Terms of Use.

Does DoneDone do any processing of our personal data for its own purposes?

Absolutely not. DoneDone does not process data for its own purposes and only processes data as initiated by and for the user.

How does DoneDone ensure that external contractors respect the data protection and privacy of its customers?

Simple. DoneDone does not allow any external contractors access to its customer private personal data.

Does DoneDone have a Data Protection Agreement (DPA) available for its EU customers?

The Data Processing Addendum is incorporated into our Terms of Use, making individual DPA agreements unnecessary. This ensures that we’re protecting all of our EU customers.

Michael Sanders
Last updated: 
April 20, 2021