Getting Started with Workflow Jobs
When you use a DoneDone workflow, changing the status of an item and assigning it to someone are two different tasks. But, many workflows are rigid enough where each status is tied to a specific job. Example: A bug tracking workflow where the "In Progress" status is assigned to the Fixer, and "Ready for Retest" is handed off to the Tester. Or how about a Work Approval workflow with Worker and Stakeholder Jobs, where the "Ready for Review" status is mapped to the Stakeholder, and the "Rejected with Comments" status is sent back to the Worker.
That's what workflow jobs is all about. This handy tool allows you to map your workflow statuses to specific jobs and assign team members accordingly. So, whenever a ticket's status changes, it automatically gets reassigned to the right team member. Of course, you can always change who's "on a job" (and even set a job unassigned as well). Great for instances where someone's out of the office or you're not exactly sure who will be working on something at the moment.
Now, let's dive into how you can set up Workflow Jobs and start streamlining your workflow! 📺👇